Mount an NFS share in Linux

Posted: | Updated: | Tags: linux storage til

Install the NFS client pacakge. For distros that use yum install nfs-utils.

sudo apt install nfs-common

Manually mount the share in a directory. Replace the following with your own values:

  • server with your NFS server
  • /data with your exported directory
  • /mnt/data with your mount point
sudo mount -t nfs server:/data /mnt/data

To automatically mount the NFS share edit /etc/fstab with the following:

# <file system>  <mount point>  <type>  <options>  <dump>  <pass>
server:/data     /mnt/data      nfs     defaults   0       0 

To reload fstab verbosely use the following command:

sudo mount -av

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