Using sqlite-diffable as a Python module

Posted: | Tags: til sqlite

sqlite-diffable is a tool, built by Simon Willison, to load and dump SQLite databases to JSON files. It’s intended to be used through the CLI, however since May I’ve been using this tool as a callable Python module to build my main site after making changes to the code1. This has allowed me to combine the build commands into one Python file. The changes aren’t available in the upstream code2 so it’ll have to be pulled from my fork if you’re looking to use this.


Install using pip directly

pip install sqlite-diffable @ git+

Install from a requirements.txt file

# requirements.txt
sqlite-diffable @ git+
pip install -r requirements.txt


Dumping all tables from a database

Dump all tables from a database file called posts.db into the ./content/posts/ directory.

sqlite_diffable.dump('posts.db', './content/posts/', all=True)

Dump specific database tables

Dump tables “posts” and “tags” from a database file called posts.db into the ./content/posts/ directory.

sqlite_diffable.dump('posts.db', 'dump/', tables=["posts", "tags"])

Loading a database

Load a database from JSON files located at ./content/posts/ and name the database file links.db.

sqlite_diffable.load('posts.db', './content/posts/')

If the tables already exist in the database, you can overwrite them by setting replace=True.

sqlite_diffable.load('links.db', './content/posts/', replace=True)

  1. Simon uses Click to create the command line interface for sqlite-diffable which doesn’t make it very easy to create a Python module off from. I was able to use an example from Massimo Frasson on StackOverflow to be able to reuse the code written for the Click CLI. ↩︎

  2. I did create a PR today and an issue describing the changes in detail back in May. ↩︎

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