
GitHub Markdown can render Mermaid diagrams including Mermaid Gantt charts. I discovered this from Simon Willison who shared Bryce Mecum’s post on using Mermaid Gantt diagrams to display traces. A Gantt diagram can be created and rendered within a code block tagged mermaid, a simple example copied from the docs can be seen below. gantt title A Gantt Diagram dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD section Section A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d Another task :after a1, 20d I previously used MarkWhen’s Meridiem online editor to create Gantt charts to visualise the service life on Dutch Sprinter trains, this required me to share screenshots of the chart unless I created a view-only copy. Read more...

Within a repository’s settings tab under Security you can set an Actions secrets and variables. A secret is encrypted and created for use with sensitive data whereas a variable is displayed as plain text. I intended to use a repository variable as an environment variable for a Python script within one of my workflows and the GitHub documentation was not very useful in describing how to accomplish that. Thanks to mbaum0 on this discussion thread I learned that you can access variables with the vars context. Read more...

Disclaimer: Do not take the information here as a good or best practice. The purpose of this site is to post my learnings in somewhat real time. Create an OIDC IdP on AWS This needs to be done once for an AWS account, this configures the trust between AWS and GitHub through OIDC. Create an OpenID Connect identity provider for GitHub on AWS. From the IAM console, choose Identity providers and then Add provider. Read more...