Recently, Simon Willison shared how he uses S3 event notifications with Lambda and DynamoDB to list recently uploaded files from an S3 bucket. The first thought that occurred to me was to use S3 inventory which provides a daily catalog of objects within a bucket queriable through Athena. The second idea involved doing the same with the recently announced S3 metadata feature. Both methods, I discovered, were already commented on by others.
Last month, AWS announced multi-session support natively in the AWS console; previously I’d relied on Firefox containers to separate logins between accounts. This can be easily enabled from the account drop-down in the top right of the console.
Multi-session support enabled and the usual account ID and IAM role is visible in the top right.
Once enabled, this feature supports up to five sessions simultaneously and allows you to switch between them from the account drop-down.
While trying to test recovery of a service from a backup, as everyone should, I discovered a container image was no longer available from Docker Hub anymore. I was greeted by the following error:
ERROR: The image for the service you're trying to recreate has been removed. If you continue, volume data could be lost. Consider backing up your data before continuing. Continue with the new image? [yN] Since I had a perfectly healthy and running instance of the service on my homelab which I could use to save the image from that I could then include in my backup copy.
Data sources are used to retrieve information outside of Terraform, in this case default VPC, subnets, security group and internet gateway resources provisioned in a region within an AWS account. Each opted-in region within an AWS account comes with default network resources, with can be used to provision resources within a default subnet, use the default internet gateway or security group for provisoned resources and more.
Retrieve the default VPC The default VPC can be retrieved using the aws_vpc data source and the default argument.
AWS Identity Center is a service that allows you to manage and control user access to AWS accounts or applications. The user identities and groups can be provisioned from an external Identity Provider, like Okta or Keycloak, or managed directly within IAM Identity Center.
Disclaimer: Do not take the information here as a good or best practice. The purpose of this site is to post my learnings in somewhat real-time.
Schedules, events and alarms can be shared using the iCalendar data format regardless of the Calendar service or application like Google Calendar or Outlook. This format is defined in RFC 5545. Creating iCalendar files can be done in Python using the icalendar package. I’ve outlined a few example scenarios below. The package documentation has more details on usage.
Installing the package pip install icalendar Other methods are available in the official documentation.
sqlite3 CLI Using the sqlite3 CLI allows you to import CSV files into a new or existing database file. The following multi-line command will import the CSV file, disruptions.csv into the disruptions table. All columns will be of type TEXT if created by the import command.
sqlite3 data.db <<EOS .mode csv .import disruptions.csv disruptions EOS The command infers the input file type by the output mode (.mode csv), otherwise use --csv in the import command.
FFmpeg has the ability to stabilise a video using a 2 pass approach. I first learnt about this from a post on Paul Irish’s website and later also shared the link. Their post also includes a useful single command to stabilise and create a comparison video to see the before and after. The purpose of my entry is to add some references and commands that I’ve found useful mostly for me to look up later.
Grafana has the ability to use Amazon Athena as a data source allowing you to run SQL queries to visualize data. The Athena table data types are conveniently inherited in Grafana to be used in dashboard panels. If the data types in Athena are not exactly how you’d like them in Grafana you can still apply conversion functions.
In this case the timestamp column in Athena is formatted as a string, and I do not have the ability to adjust the table in Athena (which is normally what you’d want to do).
Exporting the results of a query can be useful to import it into other tools for data preparation or visualisation particularly as a CSV file.
sqlite3 CLI Using the SQLite3 CLI allows you to set the query result mode to CSV and output that result to a file. A number of different output formats, including custom separators can be set as well.
sqlite> .open links.db sqlite> .mode csv sqlite> .headers on sqlite> .
GitHub Markdown can render Mermaid diagrams including Mermaid Gantt charts. I discovered this from Simon Willison who shared Bryce Mecum’s post on using Mermaid Gantt diagrams to display traces.
A Gantt diagram can be created and rendered within a code block tagged mermaid, a simple example copied from the docs can be seen below.
gantt title A Gantt Diagram dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD section Section A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d Another task :after a1, 20d I previously used MarkWhen’s Meridiem online editor to create Gantt charts to visualise the service life on Dutch Sprinter trains, this required me to share screenshots of the chart unless I created a view-only copy.
I use python-frontmatter to read and parse the front matter in Markdown files used on the main site. The front matter is used to set page or post titles, along with categories and tags. The python-frontmatter library provides ways to load a file and parse the front matter making it available as a dict. However, there isn’t a documented way to write1 the front matter content to files if you’re starting from a dict.
Dynamically partitioning events on Amazon Data Firehouse is possible using the jq 1.6 engine or using a Lambda function for custom parsing. Using JQ expressions through the console to partition events when configuring a Firehouse stream is straight forward provided you know the JQ expression and the source event schema. I found it difficult translating this configuration into a CloudFormation template after initially setting up the stream by click through the console.
sqlite-diffable is a tool, built by Simon Willison, to load and dump SQLite databases to JSON files. It’s intended to be used through the CLI, however since May I’ve been using this tool as a callable Python module to build my main site after making changes to the code1. This has allowed me to combine the build commands into one Python file. The changes aren’t available in the upstream code2 so it’ll have to be pulled from my fork if you’re looking to use this.
I usually forget the syntax of defining enviornment variables on different platforms, so here’s a note for future me to look up.1
Bash/Zsh export VARIABLE_NAME=ABC123 Using export will set the environment variable within the current session, you can override the value by using export again on the same variable name. To apply this environment variable to all sessions set the variable within the shell’s startup script such as .bashrc or /etc/envrionment to be available by all users.
Within a repository’s settings tab under Security you can set an Actions secrets and variables. A secret is encrypted and created for use with sensitive data whereas a variable is displayed as plain text. I intended to use a repository variable as an environment variable for a Python script within one of my workflows and the GitHub documentation was not very useful in describing how to accomplish that.
Thanks to mbaum0 on this discussion thread I learned that you can access variables with the vars context.

Leaflet is a popular and feature-rich JavaScript library for displaying maps. One of these features includes creating and placing markers on a map with an icon, that could represent a dropped pin or something custom. I need to create icons for markers that also contain a number that could be different for each marker and adding text to Leaflet icons can be done in a few ways.
Using L.DivIcon to insert a div element inside of an image.
Cross account access to an S3 bucket is a well documented setup. Most guides will cover creating and applying a bucket policy to an S3 bucket and then creating a policy and role to access that bucket from another account. A user or service from that account can then assume that role, provided they’re allowed to by the roles trust relationship to acccess the S3 bucket via the CLI or API.

Timetable or schedule graphs visualise railway traffic on a route during a set time. Typically when these graphs are shared online they look like they’ve been created using jTrainGraph although I find it very difficult to get started. I attempted to use both Google Sheets and LibreOffice Calc to some degree of success but only achieved what I wanted through by using R. This was made possible by a single StackOverflow question from 2011.
Granting a user permission to access resources across AWS accounts is a common task, typically the account with the resources contains an IAM role with the appropriate policy defining the actions the user can perform. In addition to this a trust policy is created that specifies which principal can assume that role in order to perform the allowed actions. Sometimes an external ID is added to the trust policy which verifies the user wanting to assume that role.
AWS allows you to enable server-side encryption (SSE) for you data at rest in your SQS queue. Disabling this option also has an effect on your encryption in transit as well. From the SQS documentation:
All requests to queues with SSE enabled must use HTTPS and Signature Version 4.
In other words disabling SSE also means you can now communicate to the SQS without TLS.
I wrote a Python script to send a message to a queue using the HTTP API and botocore without using the higher level abstractions of boto3.
On my Linux machine I have sometimes shared by screen as a virtual device so it can be used in other programs as a webcam. A similar FFmpeg can also just be used to capture video to the file as well.
Capture as a video device The v4l2loopback module allows you to create a virtual video devices under /dev/.
Load the module, with the command below. After doing so you will see a new video device under /dev/, since I have no video devices currently attached v4l2loopback creates device /dev/video0.
You can track changes to a tag through AWS CloudTrail, AWS Config, or Amazon CloudWatch Events, these methods have already been documented but they’re too slow to respond to changes, too expensive to run, not as extensible out-of-the-box, or outdated. I haven’t seen much coverage on doing this with Amazon EventBridge, which has many integration options, is low-latency, and is fairly low cost (and in this case free). There is a page in the documentation titled Monitor tag changes with serverless workflows and Amazon EventBridge that covers just that, I’d recommend starting there.
To show related content on this blog I use Hugo’s in-built functionality, which works surprisingly well with no setup. I did, however, want to test out creating text embeddings from my posts and rank them by similarity. Before you continue reading, the usual disclaimer:
Do not take the information here as good or best practice. The purpose of this entry is to post my learnings in somewhat real-time.
I will use Amazon Titan Embeddings G1 - Text available through Amazon Bedrock and SQLite to store the results.
It has been 87 days since I enabled the ability to show related content at the bottom of each post on this blog, aptly titled “Related ramblings”. This uses Hugo’s built-in Related Content functionality. If you use a pre-made theme you may never directly work with this feature. I wanted to highlight how easy it was to use and how impressed and I am with the results.
To enable my theme to use this features, I simply had to create a new partial that could be used in my post template.
There have been a number of occasions where I needed to insert JSON objects into an SQLite database, the sqlite-utils Python library and CLI tool handled the task every time. I will be showcasing some of the JSON-inserting capabilities via CLI below.
Inserting a single JSON object Here the object is stored in data.json, sqlite-utils takes in the insert command, the name of the database, the name of the table, the filename, and lastly, I also specify the column to use as the primary key.
To plot rail stations on a map for past blogs1 and toots23 I needed to fetch their longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates. This process can be described as geocoding, getting a coordinates from name or address. There are many powerful libraries out there that have the capability to do this, but I wanted something quick and simple to get started, this is where Nominatim comes in. In their own words:
Nominatim (from the Latin, ‘by name’) is a tool to search OSM data by name and address and to generate synthetic addresses of OSM points (reverse geocoding).
What I like about Sass and other CSS preprocessors, despite my limited usage of them, is the ability to nest CSS elements to assign style rules to children. Earlier this year the first version of the CSS Nesting Module specification was published by W3C. This brings the feature of CSS nesting to the browser! According to CanIUse, nesting is already supported by all major browsers as of this year.
Here’s a basic example, I have an article with a <h1> and <h2> header where I’d like all <h2> headers within the article to be blue.
I host all my images outside of Hugo to prevent any large files from residing in my git repository. This has led me to serve high resolution images in most of my posts which aren’t ideal for the end user. I recently learned about Hugos ability to get remote images, aptly titled resources.GetRemote, which then allows me to apply Hugo’s image rendering capabilities.
This video by Eric Murphy covers some compressing and resizing methods within Hugo that I’ve applied to this blog.
Update 2023-12-19: Got an update from the issue I raised that the AWS Backup Access Policy and IAM role issue has been resolved in the Terraform AWS Provider version v5.30.0 via this Pull Request thanks to @nam054 and @johnsonaj. They delay has now been added as part of the provider itself and I’ve confirmed it works! You can disregard the rest of this post or continue reading if you’re interested.
The following post outlines how to use ffmpeg to take a number of images and create a video with each image present for a set duration with cross fades. The images are centered in the video with a black background. There are some instances when a previous image may be visible if it’s too large, it’s been a while since I tested this thoroughly so it could use some tweaking.
Disclaimer: Do not take the information here as a good or best practice. The purpose of this site is to post my learnings in somewhat real-time.
AWS IAM Identity Center (previously and more commonly known as AWS SSO) allows you to control access to your AWS accounts through centrally managed identities. You can choose to manage these identities through IAM Identity Center, or through external Identity Providers (IdPs) such as Okta, Azure AD, and so on.
The AWS API allows you to list-rules which returns a list of all the rules but does not list targets. The API also provides you with list-targets-by-rule which allows you to list the targets associated with a specific rule. If you want to find all the rules with a specific target, this case an event bus, you can join both of them together.
No idea if this is acceptable practice, or if I’ll ever use this again, but I will unleash this string of commands and pipes to the world.
This post details how to update a domain record entry on Linode based on the public IP of a machine running Linux. We will create a python script and use the Linode API to accomplish this.
Create a personal token in Linode From your Linode console under My Profile > API Tokens you can create a personal access token. The script only requires read/write access to the Domains scope. From here you can also set your desired expiration time.
Disclaimer: Do not take the information here as a good or best practice. The purpose of this site is to post my learnings in somewhat real time.
Create an OIDC IdP on AWS This needs to be done once for an AWS account, this configures the trust between AWS and GitHub through OIDC.
Create an OpenID Connect identity provider for GitHub on AWS. From the IAM console, choose Identity providers and then Add provider.
Install exiftool.
sudo apt install exiftool # sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl Remove all tags.
exiftool -all= image.jpg Remove only EXIF tags
exiftool -EXIF= image.jpg
Server and client setup Install Wireguard on both server and client
sudo apt install wireguard Create the public and private key on both server and client. Store the private keys in a secure place.
wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey Server configuration Create and open the file /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf. Insert the following block and view the examples on the table below.
Variable Exmaple <server-ip> <subnet> 24 <interface> eth0 <server-private-key> kj202323j23mwnew0= <server-port> 51820 [Interface] Address = <server-ip>/<subnet> SaveConfig = true PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o <interface> -j MASQUERADE; ip6tables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o <interface> -j MASQUERADE PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o <interface> -j MASQUERADE; ip6tables -D FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; ip6tables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o <interface> -j MASQUERADE ListenPort = `<server-port>` PrivateKey = <server-private-key> Bring up Wireguard on the client
Recursively deleting all objects in a bucket and the bucket itself can be done with the following command.
aws s3 rb s3://<bucket_name> --force If the bucket has versioning enabled any object versions and delete markers will fail to delete. The following message will be returned.
remove_bucket failed: s3://<bucket_name> An error occurred (BucketNotEmpty) when calling the DeleteBucket operation: The bucket you tried to delete is not empty. You must delete all versions in the bucket.
Grabbing just an IP address from a network interface can be useful for scripting. In the example below the assumed interface is eth0.
ip a show eth0 | grep "inet " | cut -d' ' -f6 | cut -d/ -f1 You can then save this into a variable and use it in other commands.
local_ip=$(ip a show eth0 | grep "inet " | cut -d' ' -f6 | cut -d/ -f1) python3 -m http.
ffmpeg -i input.mkv -ss 00:00:03 -t 00:00:08 -async 1 output.mkv Arugment Description -i Specify input filename -ss Seek start position -t Duration after start position -async 1 Start of audio stream is synchronised See these StackOverflow answers for a debate on various other methods of trimming a video with ffmpeg.
Updating images for containers that are run through docker-compose is simple. Include the appropriate tags for the image value.
docker-compose pull docker-compose up -d You can then delete the old, now untagged image. The following command deletes all untagged images.
docker image prune Rollback to a previous image If you wish to rollback to the previous image, first tag the old image.
docker tag <IMAGE ID> <REPOSITORY>:<TAG> Replace the image value in the compose file with the new <TAG> and recreate the service.
Install the NFS client pacakge. For distros that use yum install nfs-utils.
sudo apt install nfs-common Manually mount the share in a directory. Replace the following with your own values:
server with your NFS server /data with your exported directory /mnt/data with your mount point sudo mount -t nfs server:/data /mnt/data To automatically mount the NFS share edit /etc/fstab with the following:
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> server:/data /mnt/data nfs defaults 0 0 To reload fstab verbosely use the following command:
EBS sends events to CloudWatch when creating, deleting or attaching a volume, but not on detachment. However, CloudTrail is able to list detachments, the command below lists the last 25 detachments.
aws cloudtrail lookup-events \ --max-results 25 \ --lookup-attributes AttributeKey=EventName,AttributeValue=DetachVolume Setting up noticiations is then possible with CloudWatch alarms for CloudTrail. The steps are summarized below:
Ensure that a trail is created with a log group. Create a metric filter with the Filter pattern { $.
Introduction These are tar commands that I use often but need help remembering.
Contents Introduction Create an archive Create a gzip compressed archive Extract an archive Extract a gzip compressed tar archive List files in an archive List files in a compressed archive Extract a specific file from an archive Create an archive tar -cvf send.tar send/ -c Create an archive -v Verbose -f Specify filename Create a gzip compressed archive tar -czvf send.
Squash commits already pushed to GitHub Here I squash the last N commits by rebasing and force pushing to GitHub or another remote while avoiding this helpful but unwanted error.
To ! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward) error: failed to push some refs to '' hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g. hint: 'git pull .
ffmpeg -y -i combined.mkv -vf fps=24,scale=1080:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen palette.png ffmpeg -i combined.mkv -i palette.png -filter_complex "fps=24,scale=1080:-1:flags=lanczos[x];[x][1:v]paletteuse" out.gif -y Overwrite output wihtout asking -i Specify input filename -vf Video filtergraph -filter_complex Creates a complex filtergraph with inputs and/or outputs Explanation and other resources:
How to make GIFS with FFMPEG (GIPHY Engineering) High quality GIF with FFmpeg “You can’t just code a gif”
Only applies if video has an existing audio track.
ffmpeg -i video.mkv -i audio.mp3 -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict experimental -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 ouput.mkv -i Specify input filename -c:v Encode all video streams -c:a Encode all audio streams -strict Specify how strictly to follow the standards -map Designate one or more input streams as the srouce for the output file
ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf reverse -af areverse output.mkv -i Specify input filename -vf Video filtergraph -t Audio filtergraph
ffmpeg -i input.mkv -ss 00:00:03 -t 00:00:08 -async 1 output.mkv -i Specify input filename -ss Seek start position -t Duration after start position -async 1 Start of audio stream is synchronised Resources ffmpeg Documentation - Official FFmpeg documentation ffmprovisor - A repository of useful FFmpeg commands for archivists
Introduction These are a few git commands that I refer to from time to time when I need a reminder. This is by no means a comprehensive guide on how to use git.
Contents Introduction Add co-authors to a commit Branching with Git Checkout a remote branch Create a branch from another branch Change the last commit Set the author Set the date Fetch a pull request Squash commits already pushed to GitHub Keep a fork up to date Further reading Add co-authors to a commit This will allow you to give credit to more than one author for a commit.